Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Page For The Scrapbook

This is a milestone moment for me. My first blog ever! I've told some people about my secret obsession with blogging, but if this is the first time you've heard it, now you know. I'm a closet blog-lover, although I've never done it before. Anyway, unless you happened to come across this journal of sharp wit and (soon to come) fascinating stories about yours truly by simply clicking "Stumble" (my dream come true!), I'm sure you know why I've created this blog. However, for all you randos out there who are so intrigued by me that you just can't bring yourself to click "Stumble" again, here's the skinny on my life:

Exactly ten days from now, I will be leaving the good ole U S of A to frolic around Europa--specifically España--for four months. Just kidding, mom. About the frolicking. I suppose I'll try to study a little while I'm there. I will be spending the semester in Toledo, Spain, taking pictures and perfeccionar-ing my español, while simultaneously conquering Europe one three-day weekend at a time. Oh yeah, and studying...I forgot about that already.

Since I'll be cut off from the most basic form of communication, the cell phone, and will likely have limited access to Internet, I'll be using those precious online minutes to update the masses on my adventures. I'll post some pictures (maybe even a video or two if I'm feeling crazy), detailed stories about my jaunts all over the continent, and obviously I will keep everyone up to date on my grades.

...ha ha.

I went abroad to Ireland last summer, and I tried keeping a journal while I was there. But mostly it ended up just being a list of places I went and things I saw and did. Since no one was going to read it, I didn't make it very interesting or worthwhile to read. But because I know that everyone back home is going to be absolutely RIVETED by what I write here, I'm going to make this the most exciting, jam-packed, fun-filled, make-you-feel-like-you-were-right-there-with-me blog you've ever read. Maybe some high up producer will come across it and make a movie about me and my travels and then I will be the next Julie Powell, only less profane. Fingers crossed!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to follow your travels through Europe! Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

hola pilar,
espero que estés bien y que te lo estés pasando bien en España.
les dije a mis chicas que tu ibas a Toledo y les enseñé la cuidad en el mapa. Margarita solon me dijo que va a estudiar un semestre creo en Barcelona el año que viene.
bueno no tengo mucho tiempo libre (como siempre) pero quería saludarte.
cuídate mucho y ¡cuidado con los chicos españoles!
sra C