Monday, August 30, 2010

The Adventures of.....The Bacon Wallet

Yes. That's right. The Bacon Wallet. This amazingly stylish, always-in-vogue wallet was given to me as a parting gift from my colleagues at the end of my summer internship. Don't be fooled by its delicious appearance--this wallet is not in fact made of actual bacon. I found this out the embarrassing way and was presented with the wallet immediately afterward:

Dawn: "Hey, Yoon, do you still have your bacon wallet?
Yoon: "No, I don't think I have it anymore." (False, Yoon did have it. And now it is mine.)
Me: "What happened, did you eat it or something?"

Cue questioning looks and mocking-ish laughter, along with reassurances that The Bacon Wallet was not made of food. It is, however, made from recycled paper, so if anyone ever accidentally happened to accidentally drop it in a remote area and accidentally leave it there forever and ever, it would decompose eventually instead of remaining there for hundreds of years until one of Yoon's great great grandchildren smelled bacon from miles away and found it again. ...Just kidding. It doesn't smell like bacon either.

Let me just clarify this really quickly, in case you don't quite understand. And also to clear my name from any suspicious bacon-usage accusations:

The Bacon Wallet is not bacon-esque IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Except the way it looks. The Bacon Wallet is not made of bacon strips sewn together. The Bacon Wallet is not a wallet wrapped in bacon. The Bacon Wallet is not a wallet saturated with bacon perfume. The Bacon Wallet is not even a formerly baconed wallet fried until it reached acceptable leather status. According to the package, The Bacon Wallet has been "inspected for wholesomeness by the U.S. Department of Agriculture" (no joke). The Bacon Wallet is one thousand percent NOT bacon.

But it looks pretty real, doesn't it?

Anyway, per the requests of the wonderful people I met during my internship, I will be taking The Bacon Wallet with me on my travels. I will not be using The Bacon Wallet as it was originally intended to be used. Just imagine...Hey do you have 5 euro? Oh sure, let me just whip out my BACON WALLET and get it for you. No. Sorry. That will not be happening. But I think The Bacon Wallet should be allowed to experience life outside the confines of Yoon's dark and gloomy desk drawer, so I am going to show The Bacon Wallet the world. I will take a picture of The Bacon Wallet at all the great sights I see, so you will know just how much The Bacon Wallet is enjoying its adventures.

It'll be just like Flat Stanley...only it's The Bacon Wallet instead of a cute little flat paper man.

1 comment:

janis McCarty said...

And when you return you can make an altered book about the Bacon Wallet.