Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cumpleaños feliz...

...cumpleaños feliz! Te deseamos todos, cumpleaños feliz!

Señora C, aren't you proud that I remembered that??? In case you do not know what feliz cumpleaños means...........happy birthday to me! And to everyone else who was born on this glorious day in history. Especially William/Billy/Boy George/Ronnie Dunn, who is turning 24 which is not old. Today I am turning 21. Finally. Too bad it's totally not a big deal in Spain. In honor of my birthday Las Misses de España came to work and performed their awkward Miss Congeniality-esque dance in the plaza outside the Tourism office. I mean, they may or may not have been there only to practice for the Miss España Competition on Saturday, but still. Pretty darn special.

Plans for the rest of Birthday Weekend include a family dinner tonight complete with aunts, uncles and cousins, Madrid tomorrow to visit the Prado with my art class, and then VALENCIAAAAAA for the rest of the weekend. Birthday at the beach? Yes please.

As for tonight?

We rage.


Sheerin Mehdian said...

happy birthday, walshy pants!

bahh k-woc and i were texting last night about your birthday! i predicted that you would romp around, rage, play twister at 4am, go to madrid (NO BIG DEALIO), and find a nice spanish boy with whom to spend this auspicious occasion. i wish i could be there with youuuuu at the beach/watching lola be crazy/wearing crispy clothing. i miss you and love you.



Clare Mairead said...

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! So fun so fun so fun. I cannot wait to see you.
2. YOU'RE too tall in spain??? there's no hope for me anywhere in the world.