Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pobrecita Lola

I have created a spin-off list from TIHLALIS. It's called TIHLAL: Things I Have Learned About Lola. Despite what you may think, this list might actually be pretty long....

1. Lola loves my room. When there aren't any exchange students living my room, it belongs to her. Therefore, I think she feels like I'm intruding on her personal space. Whatever Lola, this room is MINE.

2. Lola really wants to go outside. She sits on all the window sills, staring longingly out at Polígono. We live on the 8th floor though, so hopefully she doesn't get too desperate.

3. Lola drinks mineral water. Apparently water from the grifo isn't good to drink, even for the cat. Raquel thinks this is ridiculous too. Pili compared the cat to the plant (which also gets mineral water) and Raquel asked her if she talks to the plant the way she talks to Lola. ¡Pues, por supuesto! ...obivously. As if there would be any other answer.

4. Lola has a ferret leash. And she HATES it. Pet stores don't sell cat leashes because cats are either house cats or street cats...they don't need to be walked. But Pili insisted that Lola needed a leash so she just got a ferret leash because I guess ferrets need to be walked so those things exist. She put it on Lola to show me tonight after dinner. It took about 10 minutes because Lola kept squirming out of her arms. Then once it was finally on Pili tried to walk her around the apartment. Lola refused. She laid down on the ground and curled into a ball. Then Pili tried to pull her along to make her walk, but instead Lola just stretched out into a long black rug, trying to escape the ferret leash. But it's one of those leashes that has one collar for the neck, another for the torso, and another piece to connect the two. Lola was not going to escape from that thing. When she was finally liberated again, she ran into my room. Typical.

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