Friday, September 3, 2010

For Better? Probably For Worse...

Did you know that the most frequently read section of the newspaper is the comic section? I bet you didn't. Embarrassingly enough, there was a short phase during my life when I was THAT girl...Comic Section Girl. I don't really know why I searched for those joyous rows of genuine hilarity every morning. I just did. Anyway, there is one that I found once and I will never forget it. It came from "For Better or For Worse," and the daughter is about to leave to go on vacation. The mother comes into the bedroom to check on the packing progress only to find a still-empty suitcase on the bed. The next square shows a tornado of arms, legs and chaos as the mother, in a frenzied panic, begins to throw everything in sight into the suitcase, shocked and horrified at her daughter's lack of preparedness. I imagine that this exact scene will be reenacted in my bedroom in a few days, since this is what my suitcases currently look like:

Making four months weigh less than 88 pounds will be an ambitious endeavor...wish me suerte.


Unknown said...

Hmmm...I surprisingly have a clear visual of your mother in action! Love, Aunt Debbie

Clare Mairead said...

my bags? one weighed 49.5. the other weighed 49.7. hahah