Monday, September 20, 2010

Highlights and Lowlights

Highlights of today:
  1. Las Misses de España came into the Tourism Office today! Las Misses are the Miss [insert American state here]s of Spain. I mean, they only came in to use the bathroom to freshen up after their photo shoot in the plaza, but still. They're, like, totally, like, famous. And also incredibly gorgeous. Kind of intimidating since I had rain hair and wet shoes. I forgot my umbrella today.
  2. Also visiting the office was group of.....Notre Dame Alums!!! One man was wearing an ND hat so obviously we had to have a serious chat. We discussed football and dorm rooms and South Dining Hall for a solid 15 minutes before I got around to giving them their map and directing them to the nearest restaurant--even though it was only noon and here in Spain we eat lunch at 3. Those crazy Americans...eating so darn early in the day....
  3. AMAZING SPAGHETTI FOR DINNER. Sorry, Mom. I have to admit it was kind of a little teensy bit better than yours. I'll get the recipe for you.
  1. It rained.
  2. I'm getting a cold. Possibly related to Lowlight #1...maybe not. It's bearable right now, but if my nose doesn't clear up by Thursday (aka the beginning of BIRTHDAY WEEKEND), I will not be a happy camper.
  3. Host sis Raquel and her boyfriend broke up. She has (understandably) been moping around the house for the last two days. It's awkward because the only potentially comforting words I know in Spanish are "que triste" and I don't think she wants to hear from me "how sad" her situation is.
  4. There is cat hair on my bed. I accidentally left my door open again and when I turned on the light when I got home Lola ran out. Great.

10. No dryers = crispy clothes. I guess we are conserving water AND energy here in Spain. I can deal though. I'm just not a huge fan of hard, scratchy towels when I'm used to warm, fuzzy, mountain-river-scented, fresh-out-of-the-dryer blankets of goodness.

11. As much as I try to pretend I'm not American, everyone knows. I don't know how they know (perhaps my red hair is a dead giveaway?), but they just know.

12. Toothbrushes are sold in packages of 3. However, if you go to a chino (see TIHLALIS #13) and you only want to buy one toothbrush, they will open the package and sell you only one toothbrush. But then you have to walk around everywhere carrying only one toothbrush and you will get questioning looks from all the passersby.

13. Chinos. Convenience stores (conveniently open for 24 hours) located on almost every street. Primarily run by Chinese people, hence the name "chino." A bit racist, don't you think?

14. Constipado means "congested," not "constipated." Who would've thought?? I've been sniffling a lot today and when my host mom asked me if I was constipada I was quick to assure her that I wasn't. I finally figured it out when she asked me again and pointed to her nose. Sign language is key in this household.


Unknown said...

Lizzie, How about getting the spaghetti recipe for YOU and YOU cook it for us when you get home! Yum.

Maggie said...

blasphemy. no one and i mean NO ONE makes better spaghetti than anne walsh. i think i should get your spot at spaghetti wednesday from here on out