Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Almost Just Killed Lola

Two posts in one that lame? Whatever. I forgot to write about mis clases! After about 30 seconds of planning and 30 hours of pre-planning stressing, I have my horario.

  • Spanish for the Professional Life, aka spanish edumacation for biznazz lingo.
  • Master Painters of Spain, aka visiting art museums and "analyzing" the paintings.
  • Spanish Philosophy, aka an inevitable snoozer, but what can you do? It's a Notre Dame requisito.
  • Economics of Spain and the EU. I have nothing clever to write about this class because I haven't been to it yet.
  • Internship at the Toledo Office of Tourism, aka A REAL LIVE JOB IN SPAIN WHERE I HAVE TO GIVE INFORMATION TO REAL LIVE TOURISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. .....not like I'm worried about it though...

I start my trabajo tomorrow! I work Monday and Thursday mornings, from 10 am to 2 pm. Let's hope I don't get fired the first day. Or any day, for that matter.

Also, I almost just allowed the cat to commit suicide. I came into my room to charge my computer and found Lola perched on the edge of my open 8th floor ventana, ready to launch herself off to a very premature death. I coaxed her back to safety though by luring her in with my phone charger...sucker.


janis McCarty said...

Can't wait to hear about your museum visits. I know that will be your favorite class.

Unknown said...

Tu vida en Espana sera muy interesante. Le caes bien al gato? haha Te manda un gran beso y abrazo tu tia Maria Jose.

Sheerin Mehdian said...

hahaha you saved the cat. that was unnecessarily nice of you...

also, the museum and EU class sound SO BOSS. how was the job? avoid termination?