Monday, September 13, 2010

Love of Family Is Universal

Today my host sister, Raquel, turned 21 and we had a dinner fiesta for her. The entire family came over--aunts, uncles, cousins, abuelos. Apparently dos besos are the standard greeting for everyone...not just the new host mom. I've never been kissed by so many strangers in my life! We were almost 20 in total. We all sat in the living room and chatted for hours over tapas about the cat who knows when Pili is feeling sick, how prima Marta should get her hair cut, and how awful the bus system is for students getting to school in the morning. If I wasn't feeling at home with this family before, I certainly am now. When the camera was brought out, they insisted that I be in the pictures, although I offered to take them. I was honored to be welcomed so warmly into this family and it was reassuring and comforting to find out that families in Spain are just like mine...loud and a little weird, but also inviting, friendly and loving. España is definitely starting to feel like home.

On a totally unrelated note, I have been keeping a list called "Things I Have Learned About Life In Spain" which will hereafter be known as TIHLALIS. Soooooo...


1. Spaniards LOVE TV. It seriously is always on. Even during dinner! When we eat we sit on the couch at the coffee table, all facing the TV. And it's not even good TV. It's like random old American movies and The Simpsons dubbed over in Spanish.

2. Lombardi time does not exist in Spain. Everyone is late.

3. The bus system is not reliable. It's always late, if it comes at all.

4. Sleeping and resting on the weekends is encouraged, not frowned upon.

5. You don't say hola when you answer the phone. You say or díme...which means "talk to me."

6. No one drinks water! I know we are trying to conserve water here which is why I have shortened my shower by a solid three minutes, but really? I can't drink it either? I felt awkward at first asking for water at home so the first two nights I just took large gulps of it from the sink whenever I brushed my teeth.

7. No one smiles in pictures. Probably because of crooked teeth due to universal healthcare...

8. School supplies are entirely too expensive (2 euro for a pack of notebook paper?) but textbooks are dirt cheap. Books for two classes so far have only cost me 12 euro.

9. Love of family is universal.

Also I bought some killer shoes today for only 7 euro. Holler. Sorry if that ruins the sappy mood.


Sheerin Mehdian said...

hahaha spanish walshy sounds very similar to american walshy what with all the weekend resting, twister playing, and being late. it sounds like you are livin' it up! git it, amigaaa!

Clare Mairead said...

DRINK WATER!!!!! I don't know what I'd do without water. The image of you hiding in the bathroom drinking water as you're brushing your teeth....very sad.