Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Toasters For Bread, Toasters For Bodies

Toasters For Bread:
All I want in life right now is a toaster. For bread. I found this amazing strawberry jelly in the refrigerator this morning and I wanted to put it on a million pieces of toast and eat them all for breakfast. But alas, I could not find a toaster. So I just put my new-found berry obsession on two slices of cold bread and ate it like that. It was okay, but warm toasty buttered bread would have made it SO MUCH BETTER.

Toasters For Bodies:
Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at the seldom-used dining room table doing homework (aka uploading facebook pictures) when the doorbell rang. The doorbell never rings. I answered the door and a short man with a strange looking machine asked for Raquel so I fetched her from her room (10 feet away). Apparently she and the short man are friends and they were catching up on each others' lives for a few minutes before he took the strange machine into her room and left. After he closed the door I asked Raquel what that máquina was and I was stunned by her response. It was a MINI TANNING BED!!!! I'm totally serious. Nothing got lost in translation here, I swear. She told me the Spanish word for it and when I didn't understand, she said, "Es una máquina para ponerme morena." In English, "It's a machine to make me tan." And if that's not clear enough, it gets even better. She told me I was welcome to use it whenever I want, and when I politely declined, she said "Oh yeah, you'd probably get burned by it, right?" ...Awesome.

But here's the thing. I don't understand how that machine is a tanning bed. It's SO small. And Raquel is a small girl, but even she couldn't fit in there! I'm pretty sure you have to stick in one limb at a time to use it. Seriously, just imagine sitting there with one arm in the tanning machine, then switching to the other arm, then each leg. I have no idea how it works for the stomach/back. I'm laughing just thinking about it! I want to ask her for a demonstration. Maybe I'll take a video and post it on here.

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