Monday, October 18, 2010

A Vegetarian Converted

A few weeks ago two German girls started working at the Tourist Office. Sarah and Vanessa are interns just like me and they will be here for 4 weeks. Today I was working at the desk with Sarah and we were just chatting about random things during our typical mid-morning lull. We were speaking in English and all of a sudden she says,

"I have never aten? ate? eated? How is the past of eat? Eaten! Yes, I have never eaten hamburgers in my life before I come to Spain. But now? Everyday."

After Google Translator helped her learn the word for vegetarian, Sarah told me she used to be one for 7 years. Then she came to Spain and started eating a little chicken here and there, and then...........she tried a McDonald's cheeseburger for the very first time in her life.

Now she is obsessed. She and Vanessa both. They don't have internet in their apartment in Toledo, so every day when they walk to the library to send emails and get on Facebook, they stop in at McDonald's and get a cheeseburger. Literally every day for the last ten days or so. And this was the best addition to her daily cheeseburger snack, Sarah said, "And when I am drunken? That is the best. I will eat five." WHAT!!! How is that even possible??! Sarah and Vanessa are both these tiny little blonde-haired blue-eyed skinny minnies but I now fear for their figures. They still have two weeks left in Spain and if this consumption pattern continues, that's 14 cheeseburgers--plus a generous allowance of 20 drunken hamburgers, assuming they go out two nights per weekend.

Grand total? 34 CHEESEBURGERS.

Also Sarah is flabbergasted that extra ketchup packets are free. I guess at McDonald's in Germany if you want extra condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.) you have to pay 30 cents per packet. So she loads up on those too. "Ketchup is free, why would you not take so much?"

Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good cheeseburger just as much as the next person. But really? 40+ cheeseburgers in 4 weeks? Dear McDonald's...LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO THE WORLD!

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