Monday, October 25, 2010

OMG, I Heart Studying!

I just really heart studying. I absolutely heart studying so much that I have stooped down to the obnoxious level of using the word heart instead of the word love to express my undying heart-ness for studying.


Good thing I haven't done very much of it, then. Don't get me wrong, I love learning. I'm just not a big fan of having to regurgitate facts to prove I really know something. Especially when an Italian excursion is right around the corner.

Midterms have been surprisingly easy so far (knock on wood) so hopefully I can continue this trend of minimal cramming and get by with decent (...I mean....EXCELLENT...) grades.

Names I have been called since arriving in Spain (mostly, but not entirely, by Mama Pili):
  • Elizabeth (obviously)
  • Eli
  • Corazón
  • Cariño
  • Nena
  • Hija
  • Niña
  • Stephanie
To be continued...Mama Pili calls me something new every day.

Last night I had a dream that someone was trying to kidnap me. It was rather scurry, but even more frightening was waking up to someone (or something) actually crawling on my bed. After about 15 seconds of an under-the-covers panic attack in which I quickly reviewed Gracie Lou Freebush's Miss America Pageant self-defense tactics (S-I-N-G...Solar Plexus, Instep, Nose, GROIN!), I emerged from my sleepy stupor and realized that my would-be captor was, in fact, a feline. Apparently Lola snuck into my room before I closed my door to go to bed and after waiting until she knew I was slumbering, she decided that she was going to share my bed with me. I guess she wasn't comfortable enough so she was just re-situating herself when I woke up thinking she was about to abduct me. THAT DARN CAT! I am not a fan. I kicked her out immediately. Sorry, Lola, but we are not at that level of friendship yet. Maaaaaaybe I would have let you stay if you hadn't tried to bite me and then scratch my eyes out the one time I tried to be nice and hold you.

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