Monday, November 1, 2010

Eat, Eat, Eat, Pray, Eat, Eat, Love, Eat, Eat, Eat...and eat some more.

I just got back from fall break and I am certain that it was the most wonderful fall break that ever existed in the history of fall breaks. Sofia, Caitlin and I went on a grand tour of Italy. Just us three girls, no boys allowed (except Italian boys, of course).

Top 5 reasons why going to Italy with boys would not be fun:
  1. Attractive Italian waiters do not give free wine to boys.
  2. Restaurant owners do not give free Nutella pizza to boys.
  3. Eating massive amounts of food at every meal is not acceptable around boys.
  4. Scoping out potential Italian romances is not acceptable around boys.
  5. Gladiators at the Colosseum do not ask you if you would like a "picture full of dreams" if you are traveling with boys.
There is no possible way I can fit all of fall break into one blog post. It would be entirely too long and even though it was The Best Fall Break Ever, sharing every single detail might become tiresome to read. So instead, I am going to do one post per city. Highlights, lowlights (there were very, very few), hilarious anecdotes, and daily menus of course. Ambitious, I know. Especially considering we visited 5 cities in 5 days. Here we gooooooooo!

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