Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Living In A Warzone

It's rather scary. Raquel and Estefanía are in a HUGE fight. Yesterday they were screaming at each other for a solid 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure a slap was thrown. I was hiding in my safe haven, protecting myself from getting caught in any potential crossfire. From inside the safety of my room I have learned a montón of fighting words. As I heard Raquel calling Estefanía various nasty names, I typed them into and had myself a little Spanish homeschooling lesson. I suppose it might come in handy one day...

I don't even know really what they are fighting about anymore. I wasn't there for the beginning of it, and right now their primary accusations are that Estefanía treats Raquel like a child and that Raquel always acts like a witch with a B to Estefanía...typical sisterly squabbles. But now Raquel is threatening to skip their upcoming trip to Ireland because she doesn't want to be around Estefanía. That is making Mama Pili angry because they already paid for the trip. So she's forcing Raquel to go, causing even more drama and yelling.

For the most part, Mama Pili just lets them fight. Since they are 21 and 27, there's not much she can do except tell them to lower their voices occasionally. Javier just sits there too and whenever Raquel yells at Mama Pili he just says, "Don't talk to your mother like that." Meanwhile, I just sit in my room until Mama Pili comes in and tells me that it's safe to come out for dinner.

Hopefully they make up soon! It's starting super awkward.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still reading and enjoying your travels! Morocco would have been my favorite as well. See you soon!!!
Aunt Debbie