Monday, November 29, 2010

Addendum To Thanksgiving Madness

Post-Script to TTCSAIATF: We are not thankful for those things in the order that they are written. Despite the fact that Nutella made a double appearance at #2 and #25, we do not love Nutella more than family and friends.

Post-Post-Script to TTCSAIATF: Lola has ISSUES.

Post-Post-Post-Script totally unrelated to TTCSAIATF: My former RA, Mary Clare (not to be confused with sissy Murr Clurr), is currently working for an organization in Ethiopia called Our Glimmer of Hope. Mary Clare is turning 23 soon, and for her birthday, instead of gifts, she is asking for donations to her organization to help bring water, medical facilities and other basic necessities to the people of Dube Bute, the town where she works. Here is Mary Clare's blog where you can read about the amazing work she's doing in Ethiopia. And here is the page where you can donate to her cause. Please consider donating! All the money raised goes directly to helping the people in Dube Bute and I know that with the funds she raises, Mary Clare will do wonderful things for that community.