Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

I came, I saw, I conquered. This phrase (of Latin origin...how convenient!) pretty much describes our short but sweet Part 3 of The Best Fall Break Ever: Pisa.

Veni -
We arrived by train from Florence...barely. After waiting in line for close to 20 minutes to get our ticket validated (which didn't even need to be validated because no one ever even checked it!), we RAN to the platform and jumped on the train just in time riiiiight as it was pulling away from the station.

...ok so maybe it wasn't quite that dramatic. We did run/power walk to the train but we made it with a few minutes to spare.

The train ride was uneventful and we made it safely to Pisa, grabbed a map, and navigated our way to the main attraction: The LEANING TOWER OF PISA.

Vidi -
We saw the tower! It actually does lean. It's so weird. We took lots of touristy pictures of us holding up the tower, pushing the tower over, kicking the tower, you name it. It was hilarious to look down the road and see 50 other people taking the same pictures with their arms and legs in the air and the tower 150 yards away. They looked ridiculous! We didn't though. We looked really cool when we did it.

Most flattering angle of all time.

The Bacon Wallet cannot believe how that thing is leaning so much!

Vici -
Conquering Pisa was super easy...
  1. Lunch: Paninis. Prosciutto and mozzarella for Caitlin, salami and mozzarella for Sofia, tomato, rocket and mozzarella for Elizabeth.
  2. Crepes for dessert. Nutella and coconut for Caitlin, Nutella and hazelnut for Sofia, Nutella and strawberries for Elizabeth.
  3. Bus back to the train station. Free. Illegal. Didn't get caught. Didn't get deported.

3 hours in Pisa = CONQUER.

I might start writing my Art History paper tonight. But if I decide to procrastinate instead, I'll post Part 4 of The Best Fall Break Ever: Cinque Terre.

Or maybe I'll make you sweat it out until tomorrow..........

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