Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make Local Friends? Check.

Today I made a new friend. His name is Panchito. He is 6. I met him on the bus today when his mom made him sit next to me while she stood with Panchito's baby brother, Jorge, who was in a stroller. Here you have an approximate translation of our conversation:

Panchito was standing in his seat, spinning around, and I was laughing at him.
Panchito: Don't laugh!
Me: Sorry, you're funny!
Panchito: It's ok, I forgive you. My name is Panchito. Because I eat a lot of bread (pan). What's your name?
Me: I'm Elizabeth. How old are you?
Panchito: 6. Everyone always asks me how old I am! I don't know why.
Me: Well, it's because you seem much older, of course.
Panchito: How old are you?
Me: 21.
Panchito: Woah. You're old. Hey look, that's my brother! His name is Jorge. Look at him smiling at you!
Me: Aww how cute!
Panchito: Jorge likes you, he's smiling a lot.

At this point we had arrived at Panchito's bus stop, so unfortunately we had to say goodbye. Panchito's mother gave me an apologetic look as she summoned Panchito and they got off the bus. Panchito waved, and we said adios. Yay for new friends!

Also, I figured out how Raquel's tanning bed works. No video, but I do have a picture. Supreme creeper status, I know. When the máquina arrived, it looked like one of those fans you get from Sharper Image or something, just a 3-foot tall cylinder, only instead of standing up straight it was horizontal on the ground. I thought that you would have to stick in one limb at a time to tan yourself, but I was wrong. The mystery machine is a transformer! It unfolds and expands and it becomes an overhead lamp that extends over the bed, so all you have to do is turn on the cancer light, lay down, take a nap and voila! Instant morena.

I promise I wasn't sneaking into Raquel's room...

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