Monday, November 22, 2010


TIHLALIS and TIHLAL seem to be a popular theme of "Holy Toledo," so today I will continue the trend and begin yet another list. In honor of Thanksgiving, or "Día de Acción de Gracias," this list shall be entitled TTCSAIATF: "Things That Caitlin, Sofia And I Are Thankful For."

This afternoon Mama Pili, Javier, Raquel, Estefanía and Alberto left for Ireland to visit family. Lola and I are all alonesies at home until Monday, so tonight after Thanksgiving dinner at the Fundación, Caitlin and Sofia are coming over and we are having a Thanksgiving party/girls only sleepover. Everyone is bringing a homemade Thanksgiving dessert and we will have Thanksgiving cocktails (whatever those are...something involving cranberry, I suppose). Throughout the night we will be compiling a list of all the things we are thankful for. Right before we go to bed we will click "Publish Post," no matter how many typos there are. This list will be compiled by everyone, so no one will know whose belongs to who. Enjoy!

  1. Being in Spain with Caitlin and Elizabeth
  2. Nutella
  3. Acceptable food substitutes
  4. Not being diabetic
  5. Families
  6. Mama Pili
  7. Lady Gaga
  8. Cooking skillz
  9. Food babiez
  10. Blog readers who write me comments
  11. No-Shave November (except armpits)
  12. Tights
  13. My dad Bill
  14. Sofias card yricks
  15. That I'm not a vampire
  16. Having Elizabeth wax my eyebrows
  17. Gelato
  18. Boys
  19. Listening to rap as a fuilty o=pleasure
  20. Diego, who gave me his jacket on the tour, a free tour and free drinks after the tour
  21. Polka dots
  22. Not having to be out hthere grinding
  23. Cell phones
  24. Stuffing
  25. Being a woman (where my feminists attt?!?!)
  26. Nutella
  27. Fanta limon, y zumo de frutas variadas
  28. Body parts (those which we have and those which we dont have)
  29. Shakirkas speaking english... aka angry chinese man struggling to sing
  30. Dsettings button on any application/web page
  31. Friends (collectively, no names cuz you all matter)
  32. Not everyone is like sofia (million sofias would be crazy)
  33. She wolfs
  34. Shitty party music you dont understand, but dance to anyways
  35. Youtubes
  37. Losing the remote (you find so many goodies while digging into pillows)
  38. ABROAD!
  39. Not going to jail
  40. Exchange rate dollar to euro.... JK NOTTTT!!!
  41. Life is... ya know... time and stuff
  42. Freewill
  43. Bras that are comfortable... but unfortunately dont occur in my size
  44. Roommates
  45. Acting like your friends... picking up random phrases and motions, etc
  46. MAGIC
  47. ppl that make us laugh
  48. Miami
  49. Not being a baby
  50. Apples
  51. freshman year, epic times
  52. Comforters, adn other omfy things
  53. having a boyfriend......NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  54. Not having scurvy. Scabies blows.
  55. Wool socks
  56. sleep
  57. water
  58. Beds and bedding

1 comment:

Sheerin Mehdian said...

you should have mentioned me BY NAME.
also, your boyfriend is hawt.