Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I finally finished my art paper. FINALLY. A key factor in this accomplishment was making Sofia change my Facebook password because I have no self control. So she changed it to "heythreemonsters" as a tribute to one of the more gracioso encounters we had in Rome...

The Bike Crew was meandering around the Colosseum and the Roman Forum on Thursday morning. There were a ton of Gladiators walking around, asking tourists if they wanted to take pictures with them, only to turn around and ask for 20 Euro in exchange for that snapshot of their face. We skillfully avoided eye contact with them, and we even weaseled our way out of paying the one who insisted on photos. These guys are hilarious. In addition to their super long (and kind of gross) hair and rugged (aka dirty) looks, they all sport some form of man-tights and armor. I cannot take them seriously. Especially the one who came up to us and asked, in all seriousness, "Hello would you like a picture? .........full of...dreams?" The three of us just kind of looked at each other and walked away quickly so we could burst into laughter out of earshot of the full of dreams Gladiator. For the rest of the day every time we took a picture we would double check to make sure it was "full of dreams" or else we would have to retake it.

Creeper photo of the "full of dreams" Gladiator

Anyway, after a few minutes, we wanted to see if we could get him to say it again...on camera. So Sofia got out her camera, started the video, and we assumed the position, walking directly by him. We failed. He didn't see us. However, she did capture something even more magical on camera that we weren't expecting.

Gladiator: "Hey, THREE MONSTERS! (aka Bike Crew) Do you wanna picture???"
Sofia: "Uh, no thanks."
Gladiator: "Aww I'm sorry. Come on. SEXY GIRLS!!!"

Ok so typing it out doesn't exactly give it the element of hilarity that it deserves, but it really was funny. So funny that Sofia made "heythreemonsters" my Facebook password so I could focus 110% on my art paper.


8. Lola might be bulimic. The other night during dinner she was eating her food which is under the kitchen table. She always eats when we eat. About an hour later, we were all in the living room when we heard this rather disgusting sound. Lola had thrown up on the floor...gross. Then about 10 minutes later she was back in the kitchen eating more! For the rest of the night Mama Pili kept saying "Ohh, pobrecita Lola, tienes bulimia? Lola? Tienes bulimia?"

TIHLALIS #24-25:

24. Cell phone usage when in the company of friends is zilch. I LOVE THIS. When groups of friends go out together, you don't see them all on their cell phones, talking to other people who aren't actually with them. I think this is great. I have become very detached from my cell phone while in Spain so it will be different (slash probably annoying) to come back to a cell phone-inundated culture.

25. Spaniards love the Pope. And he's here in Spain! He is in Barcelona now and is heading to Santiago de Compostela soon...two weeks before my trips there--I'll just barely miss him in both cities!

More names I have been called:
  • Cielo
  • Lizzie (even though I specifically told this person that only my mother calls me Lizzie. This person's response? Pues, ahora, tu madre y yo.)
  • Melissa

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