Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Extreme Delays

I know this post is long overdue, especially for my mom who is DYING to hear about the bagpipes. So...sorry about that! This is going to be super short because I have lots of other things to write about but I have to go in order so this has to be first.

Anyway, last Friday--nine WHOLE DAYS ago--after an obligatory class visit to the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, I left to go on a fake pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. I say fake because most people, when they make this pilgrimage, do it on foot. But my comrades and I did not have time to walk all the way to northern Spain. So we just took a plane.

  1. Santiago de Compostela: Second to last stop on the Camino de Santiago (last stop is the "end of the world" where pilgrims burn their clothes and throw the ashes into the ocean). Beautiful church. We got to there right as Mass was about to start, which was lucky! Longest homily of all time, welcoming all the pilgrims (in their respective languages) who had arrived that day. Incense burner the size of a small child at the end of Mass--so cool. Definitely will be returning to Spain to do the Camino one day.
  2. Crazy incense burner at Mass.
  3. Seafood. Lots of it.
  4. Bagpipe show was SO COOL. Took the bus to Ourense to see Carlos Núñez in concert. He is so talented and all the musicians were outstanding. Especially my personal favorite, the Brazilian drummer named Alon. The pipers were great too, and it was cool to see the different cultures mix together--there was Celtic stuff, Scottish obviously because of the bagpipes, Spanish, even Brazilian which was really neat. The video I have isn't great because the sound kind of messed up but it was still so so cool.
  5. Carlos Núñez
  6. On the way home there was so much fog in Santiago that the incoming plane was diverted to Porto. So we had to catch a 4 hour bus to Portugal to get on our flight home. Arrived almost 8 hours later than expected.

Serious faces for serious bagpipe action with The Bacon Wallet.

Exams start tomorrow...........let the procrastination posts begin!

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