Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Lola (who now goes by "Lolz") and I had a fotoshoot tonight while we were waiting for Mama Pili to come home. She initiated it. While I was typing away on my computer (note: typing should not be confused with studying), she climbed on my arms, plopped down and started pressing the keys with her paws, clearly trying to open Photobooth and begin her model debut. Here is our current portfolio:

What a star!

Feeling a bit camera shy.

Sassy face. Work it, Lolz.

Lolz wasn't ready for that one.

Trying to escape!

Biting. Typical model behavior.




Just let loose, Lolz!


TIHLAL #9: Lolz is actually starting to grow on me.

Number of exams left: 2
Total minutes spent studying thus far: 109


Mag said...

you have ENTIRELY too much time on your hands

Sheerin Mehdian said...

you are a supafreak. supafreak! also, i hope she has rabies and bites you.