Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I'm staying here in Toledo this weekend and Mama Pili is simply ecstatic. I am too, even though I have three tests to study for and a 10-page paper to write before leaving to go on a grand tour of Italy on Wednesday. But I'm still excited to spend some time at home. Here is my dilemma:

Elizabeth's Self-Imposed Weekend Itinerary:
  • Thursday - go to internship, come home for lunch, begin researching art history paper.
  • Friday - wake up early-ish, finish research, go to Madrid for Prado visit with art class, come back to Toledo, start writing paper.
  • Saturday - wake up early, finish writing paper, go to Real Madrid fĂștbol game as a reward for finishing paper, stay in Madrid.
  • Sunday - come home to Toledo, sleep, eat delicious food, start studying for exams Monday and Tuesday.
Mama Pili's Weekend Itinerary for Elizabeth:
  • Thursday - go to internship, come home for lunch, siesta, go out Thursday night.
  • Friday - sleep in, wake up just in time to grab a sandwich before the Prado, come home to Toledo, go out Friday night.
  • Saturday - sleep until 3, eat delicious food, movie marathon with all the chick-flicks Javier refuses to watch, Madrid for fĂștbol game, stay in Madrid.
  • Sunday - come home to Toledo, sleep, eat delicious food, maybe sleep some more, Mass, dinner, possibly studying at some point.
What to do...WHAT TO DO???! SUCH a hard decision. I suppose I should think about this later and instead focus on the current task at hand--studying for my Philosophy exam that I have in 3 hours.


Unknown said...

Elizabeth, Easy solution: always do what your mother tells you to do!!

Anonymous said...

is there a like button??