Thursday, October 14, 2010

Una Smorgasbord De Cosas

Partly for your enjoyment, but mostly so that in 20 years, when I log on to this old-fashioned thing called the internet to look at this blog and reminisce, I can remember these little gems that are are more like fun facts than stories. So here are a few totally, completely, 100% unrelated tidbits of LIS. Not necessarily TIHL, but just LIS in general.

Raquel is MIA. Or AWOL. I know what those acronyms stands for, but I've never really understood the difference. Anyway, the point is, host mom and I haven't seen her for 4 days. She left for Madrid (we think) on Sunday and went to Zaragoza (we think) with her cousin (we think) to go to a concert (we think). According to a note left in the kitchen, she got back today and is asleep in her room. However, she has not emerged, so I can't be certain. Host mom was rather peeved about the whole situation, especially on Monday which was her birthday. When I think about what would happen if I just peaced out for 4 days without telling anyone.......I just have to stop. My phone would be exploding with "Where are you? Call me." texts from my mom and it makes me cringe.

I really need to learn some children's vocabulary. Javier's niece was over the other night and we were having a tickle fight and I didn't know how to say anything child-like to her so I just made some kind of weird noises and we laughed a lot. Luckily she's only 5 so she doesn't think I'm that weird. I hope.


7. Lola is the watchdog of the house. If there is ever a noise in the hallway, she runs to the door, ready to pounce and attack anyone who might be about to break in. Too bad she just got her claws cut or else she actually might be able to do some real damage.

Tomorrow night I will be going on an adventure called "Sleeping In The Airport Because My Flight To Portugal Leaves At 8 AM Friday Morning And It Takes 4 Hours To Get From My House In Toledo To The Airport In Madrid So Therefore I Have To Go To Madrid On Thursday Night And Attempt To Fall Asleep On A Bench Or Something Of That Nature." This adventure has great potential to be a disaster, but at least I know I'll be on time for my flight this time. UNLESS I OVERSLEEP OMG I'M SETTING 5 ALARMS. Wish me luck.

TIHLALIS #20-21:

20. Bare feet indoors are unacceptable. You must always have something on your feet. Shoes are preferable, slippers are acceptable, and socks are a last resort. I need to invest in some cheapo slippers, because I'm going through socks like it's nobody's business.

21. Spaniards never go to work! Tuesday was a national holiday so most people didn't work (we still had class, though...probably Notre Dame's idea). On Monday, host mom skipped work because it was her birthday. She also stayed home last week for two days because her leg was hurting. Raquel skipped work this week to go on her mystery excursion. Everyone gets at least a month of paid vacation every year, no matter what your job is or how long you've been working there. Siesta lasts for 3 hours...every day. People in Spain complain all the time about how the economy here blows. I wonder why???

Classes are going really well. They are all so interesting and I am learning more about current events, politics, economics, and business relations in Spain than I have ever learned about America. Also I hardly ever do homework. And it's not even that I'm being lazy...we just don't really have any. And our profesor de filosofía told us today that our midterm is going to be facilísimo. So that's good.

Today I ate the exact same soup for lunch and dinner. Seriously. It was the EXACT. SAME. SOUP. Lentil soup with vegetables and little pieces of sausage. And of course a piece of bread on the side, because no meal in Spain is complete without pan. I couldn't bear to tell host mom that I already ate the exact. same. soup. for lunch earlier at the Fundación because I am 100% sure that she would have cleared my plate and cooked me another meal on the spot. Hers was better anyway, but still. The exact. same. soup. And now that I've typed "exact same soup" four times, it looks weird to me. Is it even grammatically correct? Spanish language is doing strange things to my English skills and I have to be extra careful sometimes.

I'm related to Paris Hilton. This fact is not at all related to me being in Spain, but when I typed the words "fun fact" earlier I remembered this fun fact and also the fact that I HATE that ice breaker where you have to say a fun fact about yourself. So I'm publishing it. This is my fun fact and I will use it forever and ever. Paris Hilton and I are fifth cousins and I have the family tree to prove it. Wetzels rule.

1 comment:

Sheerin Mehdian said...

Bahaha I laughed out loud at TIHLALIS #21. Also, you're not related to Paris. Sorry.